1. Electrical performance specifications of governor
(1) Voltage range: DC5V-28V.
(2) Rated current: MAX2A, to control the motor with greater current, the motor power line is directly connected to the power supply, not through the governor.
(3) PWM output frequency: 0~100KHz.
(4) Analog voltage output: 0-5V.
(5) Working temperature: -10℃ -70 ℃ Storage temperature: -30℃ -125 ℃.
(6) Driver board size: length 60mm X width 40mm

2. Governor wiring and internal function description
① Governor, motor power supply positive input.
② Governor, motor power input negative.
③ The positive output of the power supply of the motor.
④ Negative output of the power supply of the motor.
⑤ High and low level output of positive and negative rotation control, high level 5V, low level 0V, controlled by touch switch 2 (F/R), the default is high level.
⑥ High and low level output of brake control, high level 5V, low level 0V, controlled by touch switch 1 (BRA), power on the default high level.
7 Analog voltage output (0~5V), this interface is suitable for accepting analog voltage speed regulation motor.
⑧PWM1 reverse output, this interface is suitable for the motor that accepts PWM speed regulation, and the speed is inversely proportional to the duty cycle.
⑨PWM2 forward output, this interface is suitable for motors that accept PWM speed regulation, the speed is proportional to the duty cycle.
⑦-⑨ The output signal changes of the three interfaces are adjusted by the potentiometer.
⑩ Motor feedback signal input.
Note: FG/FG*3 should be based on the actual motor feedback times whether to add a jumper cap, no jumper cap is a single times FG, increased jumper cap is 3 times FG*3. The same goes for CW/CCW.

3. Governor some parameter Settings
(1) Frequency setting: press and hold the touch switch 1 before power-on do not release, and then power the governor board, wait until the screen displays "FEQ:20K" when the button is released, then touch the switch 1 to reduce, touch the switch 2 to add. Adjustable frequency to specified frequency, factory default is 20KHz.
(2) The number of poles set: before power-on at the same time hold down the light touch switch 1 and light touch switch 2 do not release, and then power the governor board, wait until the screen shows "" number of poles: 1 polarity" sample release the button, then the light touch switch 1 is reduced, the light touch switch 2 is added. The adjustable pole number is the pole number designed for the motor, and the factory default is 1 pole.
(3) Feedback setting: in Figure 1, the FG/FG*3 pin is set as the feedback multiple, which is set according to whether the feedback multiplier of the motor is single times FG or three times FG, adding the jumper cap is 3 times FG, and not adding the jumper cap is single times FG.
(4) Direction setting: The CW/CCW pin in Figure 1 is the direction setting of the motor in its initial state. It is set according to whether the motor is CW or CCW when the motor direction control line is suspended. CCW with skip cap added, CW without skip cap.
Main: The current screen mainly displays the input voltage, speed, frequency, duty cycle of these four. The speed must be set to normal display FG/FG*3, pole number.

4. Governor precautions
(1) The positive and negative power supply of the governor must be connected in accordance with the instructions, and must not be reversed, otherwise the governor can not work and will burn the governor.
(2) The governor is used to match the motor with the above control interface.
3, ⑤-⑨ Five ports can not access more than 5V voltage.

Post time: Jul-21-2023