Remote-controlled robots are increasingly doing the work in emergencies such as the search for survivors of collapsed buildings.

The detection of potentially dangerous materials, hostage situations or other law enforcement and counterterrorism measures. This special remote operation equipment uses high-precision micromotors instead of human workers to carry out the necessary dangerous operations, which can significantly reduce the risk to the personnel involved. Precise handling and precise tool handling are two important prerequisites.
As technology continues to evolve and improve, robots can be applied to more complex and challenging tasks. As a result, robots are now increasingly commonly used in emergencies that are too dangerous for humans - as part of industrial operations, law enforcement or counter-terrorism measures, such as identifying suspicious objects or defusing bombs. Because of such extreme conditions, these manipulator vehicles must be as compact as possible to meet specific requirements. Their grasping arms must allow for flexible motion patterns while demonstrating the precision and power needed to handle a range of different tasks. Power consumption also plays a key role: the more efficient the drive, the longer the battery life. Special high performance micromotors have become an important part of the field of remote control robots, they perfectly meet such needs.
This also applies to more compact reconnaissance robots.

Which are equipped with cameras and sometimes even thrown directly at the site of use, so they must be able to withstand shocks, other vibrations and dust or heat in more potentially dangerous areas. In this case, no human can go to work directly to search for survivors. Ugvs (driverless ground vehicles) can do just that. And, thanks to the FAULHABER DC micromotor, coupled with a planetary reducer that increases torque, they are extremely reliable. The tiny size of UGVs allows for risk-free searches of collapsed buildings and sends real-time images, making them an important decision-making tool for emergency responders when it comes to tactical responses.

Dc precision motor and gear made of compact drive device suitable for a variety of driving tasks. These robots are sturdy, reliable and inexpensive.

Today, mobile robots are commonly used in critical situations where there is a significant risk to humans and in parts of industrial operations.

Law enforcement or anti-terrorism measures, such as identifying suspicious objects or disarming bombs. In these extreme cases, these "vehicle operators" are required to meet specific needs. Precise manipulation and precise tool handling are two basic prerequisites. Of course, the device must also be as small as possible to fit through narrow passageways. Naturally, the actuators used by such robots are quite remarkable. Special high performance micromotors have become an important component.

Having said that, lifting 30kg at the end of the arm is already quite a challenge.

At the same time, specific tasks require precision rather than brute force. In addition, space for the arm assembly is very limited. Therefore, lightweight, compact actuators are a must for grippers. To meet these challenging requirements, ensure that the gripper must be able to rotate 360 degrees while meeting the necessary accuracy and capability to handle a variety of different tasks.
Power consumption also plays a key role when utilizing battery-powered devices. The higher the transmission efficiency, the longer the service time. The "drive problem" is solved using a DC micromotor with planetary gears and brakes. The 3557 series engine can run up to 26w at a rated voltage of 6-48v, and together with the 38/2 series preset gear, they can increase the driving force to 10Nm. All-metal gears are not only rugged but also insensitive to transient peak loads. Deceleration ratios can be selected from 3.7:1 to 1526:1. The compact motor gear shall be tightly arranged in the upper region of the manipulator. Integrated braking ensures final position in case of power failure. In addition, compact components are easy to maintain, and broken parts can be replaced quickly. Another key advantage: Powerful DC brushed motors require only simple current-limiting controls. The feedback of the current strength is applied to the remote control lever by backpressure, giving the operator a sense of force to apply the gripper or "wrist". The compact drive assembly is composed of a precise DC motor and adjusting gear. Suitable for various driving tasks. They are powerful, reliable and cheap. The simple operation of the standard component engine meets the requirements of cheap, fast and reliable.